Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We had about 4" of ice and snow from yesterday. Last night we got hit with another 6-8" on top of it. Vectren is reporting over half of their customers are without power and will be until possibly the weekend. We have electricity and I'm amazed. We are usually the 1st ones without. Austin, Sally and Jack sure are enjoying all this. The snow is almost over Sally's head and she just leaps around to get through it. So funny!

8 Your thoughts:

Jane said...

What a great shot. You caught such a fun expression. This is a classic!

Anonymous said...

I love to watchdogs bounce in the snow. Love the face your dog is making LOL!

Anonymous said...

That is soo funny! Good shot.

Unknown said...

Oh I just love the snowflakes falling! How in the world did you do that? Loved the photo too, great action shot!

Andrea said...

Wonderful action shot!

Lanna said...

Love the look on his face!

Jo-Anne Price said...

Great action shot and Sally does look ferocious lol

Pam said...

I love the shot, and I love the snowflakes!