Friday, January 16, 2009

Sea Shells By The Sea Shore

This is just a small part of my massive shell collection. Some of these things I've had since I was a kid. I guess that makes them antiques, like me. We used to have an old fashioned pharmacy here in town. It had a little bit of everything there. A diner, household items and a gift shop. In the gift shop area, Mr. Mann, the owner kept his fabulous shell collections. When he gave up the business he put his collections up for sale. I bought everything I could afford at the time. I still wish I had enough money to buy the Giant Clam shell he had. It was at least 4 foot across. You cannot buy them now because they are protected and very rare. Taken last night and posted this morning.

3 Your thoughts:

Jo-Anne Price said...

Wow, awesome collection and totally cool photo!

bestfriendsphotography said...

I love looking at seashells. This is a "postcard" type of pic. Vey pretty and makes me wish I were at the beach. My daughter could spend hrs. just looking at seashells.

Pam said...

This is so pretty. I love the colors and the composition.