Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snowy Hearts

This is the back of a little child size garden set - 2 chairs and a table that I bought at a yard sale. It's really cute and I hope to paint it and use it in a photo shoot this spring.

We have about an inch of ice and 3-4 inches of snow right now. They are expecting 4 - 6 more overnight.

4 Your thoughts:

Jodie's 365 Project said...

It's lovely! You should work this into your blog design.

Anonymous said...

neat...I was thinking..what is that???
Can't wait to see the set when it's finished.

Anonymous said...

I gotta hit some yard sales and pick up some props too. Looks like I could get some useful stuff like you.

Jo-Anne Price said...

Great shot and I can't wait to see this when you have it finished!